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Hokkaido 北海道

Aomori Prefecture 青森県

Aomori Prefectural Police Driver’s License Division (JPN only)

This website has an English language option, but unfortunately the English content does not include information on driving.

Driver’s License Centers:

青森県運転免許センター (Aomori Prefecture Driver’s License Center)

弘前自動車運転免許試験場 (Hirosaki Automobile Driver’s License Examination Center)

Iwate Prefecture 岩手県

Miyagi Prefecture 宮城県

Prefectural Police Foreign License Procedures (JPN only)

Unfortunately, only Japanese-language information is available at this time.

Traffic Safety Guide for Foreigners (ENG)

Information on traffic safety, accident procedures, and so on. No information on transferring a foreign language driver’s license.

Driver’s License Centers:

宮城県運転免許センター (Miyagi Prefecture Driver’s License Center)

石巻運転免許センター (Ishinomaki Driver’s License Center)

古川運転免許センター (Furukawa Driver’s License Center)

仙南運転免許センター (Sendai Driver’s License Center)

Akita Prefecture 秋田県

Prefectural Police Driver’s License Center (JPN only)

This website also provides a machine-translated version. Please be careful when using this automated translation, as it may have many inaccuracies.

Akita International Association Consultation Center

The AIA provides consultation for many issues, including licenses.

Driver’s License Centers:

秋田県運転免許センター (Akita Prefecture Drivers’ License Center)

Yamagata Prefecture 山形県

Fukushima Prefecture 福島県

Switching a Foriegn License to a Japanese License PDF (JPN only)

Unfortunately, only Japanese-language information is available at this time.

Fukushima International Association Counselling Services

Offers phone support for “procedural” interpretation.

Driver’s License Centers:

福島運転免許センター (Fukushima Driver’s License Center)

郡山運転免許センター (Kōriyama Driver’s License Center)

Ibaraki Prefecture 茨城県

Tochigi Prefecture 栃木県

Procedure For Obtaining a Japanese Driver’s License (ENG/JPN)

Great information on switching your license.

Tochigi International Association (ENG)

The link is for the section on switching your license, but there’s a lot of other great information in English here too.

Driver’s License Centers:

栃木県運転免許センター (Tochigi Prefecture Driver’s License Center)

Gunma Prefecture 群馬県

Exchanging a Foreign Driver’s License (JPN only)

All requirements, written in Japanese.

Driver’s License Centers:

群馬県総合交通センター (Gunma Prefecture General Traffic Center)

Saitama Prefecture 埼玉県

Guide to Driver’s Licenses PDF (ENG)

A concise guide to license issues for foreign residents. Part of a larger Guide to Living in Saitama .

Driver’s License Centers:

埼玉県警察運転免許センター (Saitama Prefecture Police Driver’s License Center)

Chiba Prefecture 千葉県

Chiba Prefectural Police (ENG)

An exhaustive guide to driving, transferring licenses, and everything else.

Hello Chiba Guide to Driving PDF (ENG)

Information on driving and transferring your license. Part of a larger Hello Chiba living guide.

Driver’s License Centers:

千葉運転免許センター (Chiba Driver’s License Center)

流山運転免許センター (Nagareyama Driver’s License Center)

Tokyo Metropolis 東京都

Kanagawa Prefecture 神奈川県

Prefectural Police Guide to Changing a Foreign Driver’s License (JPN Only)

Unfortunately, only Japanese-language information is available at this time.

Driver’s License Centers:

神奈川県運転免許センター (Kanagawa Prefectural Driver’s License Center)

Niigata Prefecture 新潟県

Toyama Prefecture 富山県

Ishikawa Prefecture 石川県

How to Exchange Your Foreign Driver’s Licence for a Japanese Driver’s Licence (ENG)

All the information you will need to switch your license over.

To all foreigners driving in Japan PDF/Video (ENG)

A PDF and video about driving in Japan.

Driver’s License Centers:

石川県運転免許センター (Ishikawa Prefecture Driver’s License Center)

Fukui Prefecture 福井県

Yamanashi Prefecture 山梨県

Nagano Prefecture 長野県

Gifu Prefecture 岐阜県

Shizuoka Prefecture 静岡県

Shizuoka Prefectural Police, Drivers License Division (ENG)

Great information on everything you will need to know.

Driver’s License Centers:

Shizuoka License Center

Shizuoka Police Seibu Driver’s License Center

Aichi Prefecture 愛知県

Mie Prefecture 三重県

Changing to a Japanese License PDF (JPN Only)

Unfortunately, only Japanese-language information is available at this time.

Mie Guidebook – Getting a Driver’s License (ENG)

Not an official source, but has information on the procedures and documents you will need.

Driver’s License Centers:

三重県運転免許センター (Mie Driver’s License Center)

Shiga Prefecture 滋賀県

Kyoto Prefecture 京都府

Osaka Prefecture 大阪府

Hyogo Prefecture 兵庫県

Changing to a Japanese License (JPN Only)

Unfortunately, only Japanese-language information is available at this time. A Google Translate auto translation option is available, but this is not an official translation and may contain significant errors.

Hyogo AJET (ENG)

Complete information on transferring your license, but bear in mind this information is not directly from the Prefectural Police.

Driver’s License Centers:

明石更新センター (Akashi Renewal Center)

阪神更新センター (Hanshin Renewal Center)

神戸更新センター (Kobe Renewal Center)

但馬免許センター (Tajima License Center)

Nara Prefecture 奈良県

Changing to a Japanese License (JPN Only)

Unfortunately, only Japanese-language information is available at this time. A Google Translate auto translation option is available, but this is not an official translation and may contain significant errors.


Complete information on transferring your license, but bear in mind this information is not directly from the Prefectural Police.

Driver’s License Centers:

奈良県運転免許センター (Nara Prefecture Driver’s License Center)

Wakayama Prefecture 和歌山県

Tottori Prefecture 鳥取県

Changing to a Japanese License (JPN Only)

Unfortunately, only Japanese-language information is available at this time. A Google Translate auto translation option is available, but this is not an official translation and may contain significant errors.

Driver’s License Centers:

鳥取県東部地区運転免許センター (Eastern District Driver’s License Center)

鳥取県中部地区運転免許センター (Central District Driver’s License Center)

鳥取県警察本部西部運転免許センター (Western District Driver’s License Center)

Shimane Prefecture 島根県

Changing to a Japanese License (JPN Only)

Unfortunately, only Japanese-language information is available at this time. A Google Translate auto translation option is available, but this is not an official translation and may contain significant errors.

Shimane International Center (ENG)

A Q&A on changing over a foreign license in Shimane Prefecture. The International Center also provides some interpretation services.

Driver’s License Centers:

島根県免許センター (Shimane Prefecture License Center)

島根県西部免許センター (Shimane Prefecture West District License Center)

Okayama Prefecture 岡山県

Changing to a Japanese License (JPN Only)

Unfortunately, only Japanese-language information is available at this time. A Google Translate auto translation option is available, but this is not an official translation and may contain significant errors.

Driver’s License Centers:

岡山県運転免許センター (Okayama Prefecture Driver’s License Center)

津山試験場 (Tsuyama Testing Center)

倉敷試験場 (Kurashiki Testing Center)

Hiroshima Prefecture 広島県

Yamaguchi Prefecture 山口県

Application For a Japanese Driver’s License From a Foreign License PDF (ENG)

Full information on everything you will need. Additional information on driving in Yamaguchi can be found here.

Driver’s License Centers:

山口県総合交通センター (Yamaguchi Prefecture General Traffic Center)

Tokushima Prefecture 徳島県

Changing to a Japanese License (JPN Only)

Unfortunately, only Japanese-language information is available at this time.

Tokushima Living Guide PDF (ENG)

Full information on what you will need. Scroll down to section 8, “Driving)

Driver’s License Centers:

徳島県運転免許センター (Driver’s License Center)

Kagawa Prefecture 香川県

Ehime Prefecture 愛媛県

Changing to a Japanese License PDF (JPN/ENG)

Scroll down to the second half of the PDF for English. Full information on everything you will need to know.

Driver’s License Centers:

愛媛県運転免許センター (Driver’s License Center)

Kochi Prefecture 高知県

Changing to a Japanese License (JPN Only)

Unfortunately, only Japanese-language information is available at this time.

Kōchi AJET: How to get a Japanese License (ENG)

The section on Driving has everything you will need to transfer your license. Other information on living in Kōchi is also available here.

Driver’s License Centers:

高知県運転免許センター (Driver’s License Center)

Fukuoka Prefecture 福岡県

Saga Prefecture 佐賀県

Nagasaki Prefecture 長崎県

Kumamoto Prefecture 熊本県

Changing to a Japanese License (JPN Only)

Unfortunately, only Japanese-language information is available at this time. A Google Translate auto translation option is available, but this is not an official translation and may contain significant errors.

Kumamoto JET – Obtaining a Japanese License

Full information on everything you will need.

Driver’s License Centers:

熊本県運転免許センター (Kumamoto Prefecture Driver’s License Center)

Oita Prefecture 大分県

Changing to a Japanese License (JPN Only)

Unfortunately, only Japanese-language information is available at this time. A Google Translate auto translation option is available, but this is not an official translation and may contain significant errors.

City of Oita – Living In Oita PDF (ENG)

See the Driver’s License section for full information on what you will need.

Driver’s License Centers:

大分県運転免許センター (Ōita Prefecture Driver’s License Center)

Miyazaki Prefecture 宮崎県

Changing to a Japanese License (JPN Only)

Unfortunately, only Japanese-language information is available at this time. A Google Translate auto translation option is available, but this is not an official translation and may contain significant errors.

Miyazaki AJET – Obtaining A Driving License (ENG)

Full information on everything you will need.

Driver’s License Centers:

宮崎県総合自動車運転免許センター (Miyazaki General Automobile Driver’s License Center)

都城運転免許センター (Miyakonojo Driver’s License Center)

延岡運転免許センター (Nobeoka Driver’s License Center)

Kagoshima Prefecture 鹿児島県

Changing to a Japanese License (JPN Only)

Unfortunately, only Japanese-language information is available at this time.

Kagoshima JET – Driver’s Licenses (ENG)

Full information on everything you need.

Driver’s License Centers:

鹿児島県交通安全教育センター (Kagoshima Prefecture Traffic Safety Education Center)

Okinawa Prefecture 沖縄県

Changing to a Japanese License (JPN Only)

Unfortunately, only Japanese-language information is available at this time.

OkiJETs – Japanese Driver’s License

Full information on everything you will need.

Driver’s License Centers:

沖縄県警察運転免許センター (Okinawa Prefectural Police Driver’s License Center)

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